

Aalea operates a large variety of assets to perform services; assets include survey vessels, survey boats, ROV system, equipment and instruments.
The main focus is the quality of the service provided, therefore the assets capability, reliability, age and maintenance standard are primary concern.


High seaworthiness fully equipped survey vessels fit-to-purpose to perform any required survey scope of work.
The solid partnership with experienced ship’s owner and operator is the key to provide seaworthy, reliable and fit-to-purpose survey vessels, with DP capability and fully equipped for long range survey activity. Large accommodation, project dedicated facilities, deck equipment for geophysical and geotechnical equipment deployment and operation are the main features.
Aalea also directly operates fully equipped survey boat for daily nearshore survey and ROV deployment capability.


Full range of state-of-the-art ROV systems, maintained at the highest standard to accomplish the most demanding subsea activities.
Aalea provides ROV services by means of latest generation ROV system ranging from observation to work class, all with very high instruments interfacing capability and considerable payload, capable to perform the most demanding subsea with high reliability and efficiency.

& Equipment

Industry standard latest generation instruments and equipment offering accurate and reliable performance.

Aalea operates a variety of equipment and instruments which include:

  • geophysical equipment: multibeam echosounder, sidescan sonar, sub-bottom profiler
  • geotechnical equipment: corer, CPT, grabs
  • UXO: magnetometer, gradiometer
  • inspection: HD video, laser scan, pipe and tracker, cathodic protection monitoring, FMD, WTM
  • environment: water sampler, soil sampler, multi-parameters probe, lab testing and analysis

Equipment capability, quality and maintenance standard are key factors for the provision of high accuracy services.
